Pandora's Big Box

For those who missed it. A nice interview with Chris Jones, Aaron Conners and Mat Van Rhoon about the Tex Murphy series.

Also some little details about The Poisoned Pawn at: 52:50
great interview, new details on the poisoned pawn.
tex murphy is back in town
The guys seem to be more optimistic about future games from Tex given some of their remarks in that interview. Perhaps the 'outsourcing' has given the series a new lease of life? Admittedly, that is just me reading into it but they seem to be saying less of "if we" and more of "once we" lately.
Yes they talk about on more game with a introduction of a new character taking over from tex who then will die to end the series. well that's they way I heard it.
tex murphy is back in town
That was just them joking around.

But the idea of having Poisoned Pawn have Tex re-tell Overseer to someone other than Chelsea with modified details is a continuity of sorts. Perhaps all of this is leading to something greater.
Yes looks like poisoned pawn has gone past just a fan made reboot to something else.
tex murphy is back in town