Tex Murphy - The Original Mean Streets - The MOVIE
First - Sorry to see such little activity here ( unless I'm missing something - (( not unusual )) Of course,
due to repeated PC problems lasting well over a year I'm late for the train yet again <sigh >
Next -
I'm a huge fan of Tex since before it's beginnings (ala Access Software) and of Chris Jones' impeccable
portrayal of the character. - I was hoping to find a contact here so that I could write and thank him, and make a few suggestions. I believe that this serious yet comical dry witted PI in the quite fantastic
yet realistic story of the original Mean Streets could easily be a silver screen hit leaving an open door to multiple sequels. - Provided of course that Chris Jones had the lead - and some control over production. However, I also would hate to take his attention away from current endeavors. If any one
has contact and is willing to relay this notion to his quite honorable sir, I would be most grateful.
Last -
If anyone has read Kieth Laumers' The Other Side Of Time (Worlds Of The Imperium series) The theme of alternate universe travel is ripe for both game and film production. I've seen it done many times before, (I'm 66 and have always been an avid reader) but no one has done it with such breadth and detail as Laumer.
Comments quite welcome - due to some time constraints I may not be able to respond more than
once a week - for now.
Thanks to all for your kind attention and your participation here.
Best Wishes - Third Keeper
due to repeated PC problems lasting well over a year I'm late for the train yet again <sigh >
Next -
I'm a huge fan of Tex since before it's beginnings (ala Access Software) and of Chris Jones' impeccable
portrayal of the character. - I was hoping to find a contact here so that I could write and thank him, and make a few suggestions. I believe that this serious yet comical dry witted PI in the quite fantastic
yet realistic story of the original Mean Streets could easily be a silver screen hit leaving an open door to multiple sequels. - Provided of course that Chris Jones had the lead - and some control over production. However, I also would hate to take his attention away from current endeavors. If any one
has contact and is willing to relay this notion to his quite honorable sir, I would be most grateful.
Last -
If anyone has read Kieth Laumers' The Other Side Of Time (Worlds Of The Imperium series) The theme of alternate universe travel is ripe for both game and film production. I've seen it done many times before, (I'm 66 and have always been an avid reader) but no one has done it with such breadth and detail as Laumer.
Comments quite welcome - due to some time constraints I may not be able to respond more than
once a week - for now.
Thanks to all for your kind attention and your participation here.
Best Wishes - Third Keeper
Wait a minute...
Is "Thirdkeeper" code for ..... JJ Abrams!!!???
If it's you JJ, then let me tell you I wasn't too thrilled with "The Force Awakens"
I mean, come on man, you've been dreaming about Star Wars since you were a kid and you had a zillion dollars to make the next one and that's all you came up with???
Is "Thirdkeeper" code for ..... JJ Abrams!!!???
If it's you JJ, then let me tell you I wasn't too thrilled with "The Force Awakens"
I mean, come on man, you've been dreaming about Star Wars since you were a kid and you had a zillion dollars to make the next one and that's all you came up with???
Heh.. What an odd reply.. NO offense, I just wasn't expecting anything remotely resembling the above.
No, the handle goes back to the original game ' Thief ' - There are some great text passages in that game, not to overlook great dialog. In one found text:
"Vigilance is the shield that protects us from a squalid past.
Knowledge is the weapon, with which we carve a path to an
enlightened future." (Keeper Annals)
- In another about a failed coup by internal corruption:
"Came the time of trial did the ground gape and did the
dead rest unquiet against us.
Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not
and there were those that doubted the Builders' plan.
But the seals held strong and the few did triumph and
the doubters were laid into the foundations of the new
sanctum." (Letters of the Third Keeper)
Referring to The 'Keeper' of or more precisely, in todays parlance 'Protector' of arcane knowledge.
At that time I was the third keeper of the FAQ and Moderator of a news group that had
recently weathered just such an attempted coup. The glove fit so well that I chose it
for a handle and I've worn it ever since. (WAY too much information here I'm sure,
sorry for the excess bandwidth.) - I felt by your reply that you required adequate explanation.
Also, since the first movie I haven't followed S Wars very well, and don't get the reference. Has
Mr A absconded my prized handle??
Thanks for the reply. Hope you will excuse my somewhat excessive verbosity.
Uhmmm... any thoughts on the 'movie' angle? - Just curious. - Thanks.
Best Wishes - T K
No, the handle goes back to the original game ' Thief ' - There are some great text passages in that game, not to overlook great dialog. In one found text:
"Vigilance is the shield that protects us from a squalid past.
Knowledge is the weapon, with which we carve a path to an
enlightened future." (Keeper Annals)
- In another about a failed coup by internal corruption:
"Came the time of trial did the ground gape and did the
dead rest unquiet against us.
Our bands of iron and hammers of stone prevailed not
and there were those that doubted the Builders' plan.
But the seals held strong and the few did triumph and
the doubters were laid into the foundations of the new
sanctum." (Letters of the Third Keeper)
Referring to The 'Keeper' of or more precisely, in todays parlance 'Protector' of arcane knowledge.
At that time I was the third keeper of the FAQ and Moderator of a news group that had
recently weathered just such an attempted coup. The glove fit so well that I chose it
for a handle and I've worn it ever since. (WAY too much information here I'm sure,
sorry for the excess bandwidth.) - I felt by your reply that you required adequate explanation.
Also, since the first movie I haven't followed S Wars very well, and don't get the reference. Has
Mr A absconded my prized handle??
Thanks for the reply. Hope you will excuse my somewhat excessive verbosity.
Uhmmm... any thoughts on the 'movie' angle? - Just curious. - Thanks.
Best Wishes - T K
TK, I think Tuco was yanking your chain. He's still a bit testy over the latest movie. Personally, I'm most likely THE biggest Star Wars nerd you'll see on these boards. I have my own bounty hunter costume to wow little kids at hospitals and charity events. That's a story for a different time though.
It's good to see a "new" poster here, even if you've been around before long time ago. I certainly was as well, but disappeared due to too many fun, and not so fun, things that happen along the way. Life does that sometimes.
I've never read Laumer's works before. I'm more of a Kim Harrison fan, honestly. And if I'm looking for tame, I reread Harry Potter. I very much prize my first edition, hardcover books.
All in all, welcome back and nice to meeet you.
It's good to see a "new" poster here, even if you've been around before long time ago. I certainly was as well, but disappeared due to too many fun, and not so fun, things that happen along the way. Life does that sometimes.
I've never read Laumer's works before. I'm more of a Kim Harrison fan, honestly. And if I'm looking for tame, I reread Harry Potter. I very much prize my first edition, hardcover books.
All in all, welcome back and nice to meeet you.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
Your quoted text below for easier reference:
TK, I think Tuco was yanking your chain. He's still a bit testy over the latest movie.
. Awww... Shucks, sequels and fan fiction rarely fail to disappoint. I'm an optimist
. with very low (realistic) expectations. When things are good it's always
. a pleasant surprise.
. ..............................................................................................................
Personally, I'm most likely THE biggest Star Wars nerd you'll see on these boards. I have my own bounty hunter costume to wow little kids at hospitals and charity events. That's a story for a different time though.
. No time like the present < grin > I think that's really great! - Must be a
. wonderful experience for you as well as the kids. ..Seems like mebby
. missing out on the SW series I've missed out on some real inspiration..
. I saw the first one when it was released. By that time I was in my 30's
. and pretty jaded by Assimov, ( Foundation Trilogy ) early Heinline and
. others. Went with my best friend, also a scifi buff, and we were put off
. just by how shiny clean and plasticy everything was. A trivial complaint
. certainly, but an indicator of what we considered the usual "hollywood
. formula" that the plot did indeed follow. - Had I grown up with the film
. I'm certain that I'd see it differently now. - uhh Did 'JJ' actually use my
. handle?
. ..............................................................................................................
It's good to see a "new" poster here, even if you've been around before long time ago. I certainly was as well, but disappeared due to too many fun, and not so fun, things that happen along the way. Life does that sometimes.
. I can't help but notice (both by your position and by your manner) that
. there are some parallels shared here. - Although life does have delights
. a-plenty the penjalum (sp) swings both ways. I have a favourite saying
. that I invented some time ago. (not for the faint of heart) - " Lord, thou
. hast one VICIOUS curve ball!" <smile>.. (cough!)
. ...............................................................................................................
I've never read Laumer's works before. I'm more of a Kim Harrison fan, honestly. And if I'm looking for tame, I reread Harry Potter. I very much prize my first edition, hardcover books.
. VERY nice. Laumer worked in the diplomatic corp back in the 50s 60s his
. most praised and humorous are the Retief series, (AKA Retief - Diplomat
. At Arms, Emissary To The Stars and many more) Wildly imaginative and
. very clever plot lines while being action packed and QUITE funny. - All of
. his work moves very quickly and one is usually hooked completely within
. the first few pages (sometimes the first few paragraphs.) Nearly all of his
. other works are deadly serious and fascinating. My most favorite are The
. Time Bender and The World Shuffler, the first two books of a trilogy. The
. third feels like he was just finishing out his contract, as it doesn't contain
. the playful spirit of the first two books. If you enjoy potter you might well
. consider these. I stumbled on Laumer when I was about 30, and by then
. I had read every scifi I could get my hands on. Within the first few pages
. I realized clearly that THIS was the author that I had been searching for.
. He produced some 70 or more works which I've reread many times over
. and am always just as delighted as I was at the first reading. Something
. that always amazes me. - The only series I would avoid are the "BOLOs"
. Although they are quite popular and were greeted with high acclaim they
. are quite dark and lack the high spirited enthusiasm of his earlier works.
. Obviously I could go on and on here, (as if I haven't already) - suffice it
. to say (a redundancy) that I can not recommend him highly enough and
. I can absolutely guarantee you that you will NOT be disappointed.
. ...............................................................................................................
All in all, welcome back and nice to meeet you.
. Thank you VERY much for this reply and for the kind opportunity to share
. more here. I do appreciate it and I hope that I haven't burdened you with
. too much text or content. - Very nice to 'meeet' you too (!)
. Now.. about that film idea.. any thoughts? - Just curious.. <grin>
. - Best Wishes - - T K -
. ................................................................................................................
TK, I think Tuco was yanking your chain. He's still a bit testy over the latest movie.
. Awww... Shucks, sequels and fan fiction rarely fail to disappoint. I'm an optimist
. with very low (realistic) expectations. When things are good it's always
. a pleasant surprise.
. ..............................................................................................................
Personally, I'm most likely THE biggest Star Wars nerd you'll see on these boards. I have my own bounty hunter costume to wow little kids at hospitals and charity events. That's a story for a different time though.
. No time like the present < grin > I think that's really great! - Must be a
. wonderful experience for you as well as the kids. ..Seems like mebby
. missing out on the SW series I've missed out on some real inspiration..
. I saw the first one when it was released. By that time I was in my 30's
. and pretty jaded by Assimov, ( Foundation Trilogy ) early Heinline and
. others. Went with my best friend, also a scifi buff, and we were put off
. just by how shiny clean and plasticy everything was. A trivial complaint
. certainly, but an indicator of what we considered the usual "hollywood
. formula" that the plot did indeed follow. - Had I grown up with the film
. I'm certain that I'd see it differently now. - uhh Did 'JJ' actually use my
. handle?
. ..............................................................................................................
It's good to see a "new" poster here, even if you've been around before long time ago. I certainly was as well, but disappeared due to too many fun, and not so fun, things that happen along the way. Life does that sometimes.
. I can't help but notice (both by your position and by your manner) that
. there are some parallels shared here. - Although life does have delights
. a-plenty the penjalum (sp) swings both ways. I have a favourite saying
. that I invented some time ago. (not for the faint of heart) - " Lord, thou
. hast one VICIOUS curve ball!" <smile>.. (cough!)
. ...............................................................................................................
I've never read Laumer's works before. I'm more of a Kim Harrison fan, honestly. And if I'm looking for tame, I reread Harry Potter. I very much prize my first edition, hardcover books.
. VERY nice. Laumer worked in the diplomatic corp back in the 50s 60s his
. most praised and humorous are the Retief series, (AKA Retief - Diplomat
. At Arms, Emissary To The Stars and many more) Wildly imaginative and
. very clever plot lines while being action packed and QUITE funny. - All of
. his work moves very quickly and one is usually hooked completely within
. the first few pages (sometimes the first few paragraphs.) Nearly all of his
. other works are deadly serious and fascinating. My most favorite are The
. Time Bender and The World Shuffler, the first two books of a trilogy. The
. third feels like he was just finishing out his contract, as it doesn't contain
. the playful spirit of the first two books. If you enjoy potter you might well
. consider these. I stumbled on Laumer when I was about 30, and by then
. I had read every scifi I could get my hands on. Within the first few pages
. I realized clearly that THIS was the author that I had been searching for.
. He produced some 70 or more works which I've reread many times over
. and am always just as delighted as I was at the first reading. Something
. that always amazes me. - The only series I would avoid are the "BOLOs"
. Although they are quite popular and were greeted with high acclaim they
. are quite dark and lack the high spirited enthusiasm of his earlier works.
. Obviously I could go on and on here, (as if I haven't already) - suffice it
. to say (a redundancy) that I can not recommend him highly enough and
. I can absolutely guarantee you that you will NOT be disappointed.
. ...............................................................................................................
All in all, welcome back and nice to meeet you.
. Thank you VERY much for this reply and for the kind opportunity to share
. more here. I do appreciate it and I hope that I haven't burdened you with
. too much text or content. - Very nice to 'meeet' you too (!)
. Now.. about that film idea.. any thoughts? - Just curious.. <grin>
. - Best Wishes - - T K -
. ................................................................................................................
I'm not as much of a hardcore fan as silvermitt, but I do like the SW movies.... well, except the most recent one. It's just too derivative for me to like it too much.
I read the Foundation Series many years ago. I don't recall what it is now, but I remember finding a flaw in the logic of the whole series while reading the 3rd book I believe. I remember what a shock it was because, up til then, the books had been really good. Like I said, I can't remember what the flaw is, but it basically pulled the rug out from under the entire 'foundation' of the whole series
I read the Foundation Series many years ago. I don't recall what it is now, but I remember finding a flaw in the logic of the whole series while reading the 3rd book I believe. I remember what a shock it was because, up til then, the books had been really good. Like I said, I can't remember what the flaw is, but it basically pulled the rug out from under the entire 'foundation' of the whole series