PD and UAKM - Both too Fast and Slow

Has anyone found a happy medium between playing the games in DosBox? If I make the game cycle faster for the 3D elements/gameplay the video suffers. If I cycle it to play video perfectly the game clunks up. Has anyone found a setting for both games that plays it just right? I like to call it the "Goldilocks" spot.

The problem is that I am on a laptop and can't change the cycles on the fly because of the layout of the keyboard. I need to set them every time I fire up the game and I am getting really sick of typing them in. Has ANYONE figured this out? At the very least figured out the ratio so it's applicable on any computer?
It's hard to say, because for me it depends on what's being rendered on the screen. If Tex is looking at the buildings on Chandler Ave., he walks around normally, but if he looks at his feet (so we only see the street texture), he starts running around at warp speed! (maybe the fact that he has no feet scared him)
I think it's more disturbing he has no legs, arms, or head. He's just a disembodied voice. Is Tex a ghost?
Electron Stu wrote:I think it's more disturbing he has no legs, arms, or head. He's just a disembodied voice. Is Tex a ghost?
Maybe he is.

Firstly, he can move objects without touching them:

And he can walk through walls.
From my UAKM dosbox config file from Windows From my UAKM dosbox config file from Linux And here is a sample of the video quality I get in Linux...
A sansGUI interface is one that does not have the small features called "Windows". The term comes from the French word sans, meaning "without".

SansGUI's are more typically used in Unix-like Operating Systems. The conventional wisdom is that a GUI (Grapical User Interface) help guide the casual computer user to perform routine tasks with Point and Click simplicity. SansGUI's have acquired considerable acceptance for users accustomed to the CLI (Command Line Interface).
Thanks for the tip, I never thought of typing either of those. UAKM seems to have cleaned up more but still gets hiccups in the sound like sudden speed bursts but Pandora works with dynamic and 70 000 cycles. I have a feeling UAKM is as good as it's gonna get.