A Few More Previews...

Just to give you all a little better idea as to where I'm going with all this... :)



http://www.unofficialtexmurphy.com/6.0/ ... /index.php

http://www.unofficialtexmurphy.com/6.0/ ... /index.php

Feel free to play around with the Interviews and Chat Logs, but keep in mind that I am still working with these pages a bit, so whatever gets posted from now until the official launch might get altered or deleted entirely, so don't put too much effort into it yet. Consider this a beta test of the new system. :)
Great ideas, man. Thanks for the efforts. Can't wait!
~ Member: Tex Murphy's Mutant League, Crazy 888's Chapter~
*Revitalizing Old San Francisco's Chandler Avenue District With Style*

(also known as Steve Douglas, but usually by people less awesome than UTMers)
Fantastic! You're a peach, James, and we appreciate all your hard work.
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
Looks fantablous!

I feel like Andy! :P

look great.
keep it up.:)
Thanks all! :) There's even more cool stuff yet to come! :) And don't be shy about trying to post a few test Interviews or Chat Logs. They don't have to be real, or even Tex-related at this point...I'm really just interested to see if everything's working correctly, or if anyone runs into any problems that I may have missed. Nobody but me has used it so far, so give it a shot!
Actually, I think I'm with Fred. The border pushes in the message board space, I think I liked it a better before with the wider margins. Everything else rocks though!