Who is the best hitman?

Best hitman?

Black Arrow Killer
Big Jim Slade
Total votes: 18

Yes, Big Jim Slade was my pick. And, yes, Cub he made his return in Lombard Street. But, will we have a return of Lombard St? (I continually harass Cub about every other month to make more Lombard St -- I consider it good practice)

Actually Keck,

I just recently acquired a new 70-CD sound effects library which has got me drooling at the concept for the past few days... as soon as some time constraints are lifted, I will definately consider it... lets say, around about Christmas time.

-Cub. =o)
Sai wrote:The audio episodes on the website here are the official Radio Theatre episodes by Aaron Conners et al.
The Lombard St. episodes are a fan production by Cubase and other talented people.
http://www.provisionaustralia.com.au/LombardSt/main.htm (I think thats the proper link? Cubase will correct me if not :) )
Thanks so much, Sai! That's the right site. :D
Cub, I look forward to it a lot, good sir. But, I'll understand if other things get in the way, especially as the holidays approach.

Make your choices, ladies and gentlemen.
Truly yours,
(С уважением,
Chamleon for sure. How can you beat a hitman who's basically impossible to identify?

However, I can't vote. Whenever I try, using IE or FireFox, it says "the submitted form is invalid".
This thread is ancient history, as well. It's almost a decade old. And I don't think the poll function is back online yet, either.

Bad case of thread necromancy, this is.

Pirates, vampires, zombies, ninjas, ghouls, aliens, goblins, monsters, robots, sorcerers, undead, werewolves, demons, mutated dinosaur-cyborgs and those pesky phone salesmen! The shotgun is a one-size-fits-all solution!
as the title suggest hitman it could only be slade as he was the hired gun.
tex murphy is back in town
Wait a sec: the Chameleon was hired too.
Michael Jackson. He had many.
Joel wrote:Michael Jackson. He had many.
Awesome answer.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
Well, being a Detroit native, my vote goes for Tommy "the hitman" Hearns. But as far as Tex goes, I have to give the edge to Slade.
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
Oh I'll throw it in, Black Arrow Killer. He didn't talk. Ok, he did to a dead girl, but in general he was too busy doing bad guy things to talk.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.