What oddball, out of character sites do you randomly visit?

Or regularly visit. Something out of your perceived character here.

I mentioned visiting the global econ website (Mish's blogspot), and I regularly visit a spaceweather site, Suspicious0bservers. The latter is exceptionally educational for those of us that aren't savvy with technical language that some of the scientific community like to bounce around, but have an avid interst in what our star does and how it affects us here on earth. See? There's more to me than jaw-dropping over a guy in a towel.

Anyone want to share? :)
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
I tend to visit literary sites most regularly and follow several odd blogs. One of my favourites is an Astrology blog written by a very cool and sassy Aussie Astrologer. http://mysticmedusa.com/. The comments on her posts are worth reading as well.

I have many interests and one of my life's obsessions is Australian horse racing so I hang around sites that focus on the racing scene and even run a tipping competition on a racing forum.

I also maintain two blogs http://catpolitics.blogspot.com.au and http://eye-candy-for-bibliophiles.blogspot.com.au/ though the latter blog has not been updated for ages.
Australian horse-racing? See, I never would have put those two words together, from a Midwestern American point of view.

I'm kinda curious about Lynne, Joel, and Samantha. Sam already mentioned cat videos, which got me thinking about people frequenting here and the surprising aspects that I'd never would have guessed.

Do you think James would surf Instructibles for fun?
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
How long did you think this line of questioning would last without anyone bringing up the topic of porn? Which, according to Avenue Q, is what the internet is ostensibly for.

Pirates, vampires, zombies, ninjas, ghouls, aliens, goblins, monsters, robots, sorcerers, undead, werewolves, demons, mutated dinosaur-cyborgs and those pesky phone salesmen! The shotgun is a one-size-fits-all solution!
Wow, Fred, I honestly didn't think about that.

I was looking more for just odd to a person's character. I'd consider porn to be more of a personal fetish, not unusual for some people I'd suppose. Now avidly watching Asian midget wrestling videos, that's an oddball pastime. So is videos about gluing macaroni for wall art. Or even having a serious interest in a videocam for watching a blade of grass grow and die. No wait, that's boring for most people, but an interst to a very small select group of people.

But I wasn't thinking porn. Sometimes, Fred, even I don't go that avenue of thought, despite my mischievious tendency to poke a bear awake.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
I was thinking much the same silvermitt: how could porn be oddball or out of character if it's what the Internet is for (ostensibly that is of course :wink: )?
I frequent a few game forums & http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/ which is a general forum which covers just about anything. I find if I am searching for anything it always directs back to whirlpool.

these sites are not really oddball out of character sites.
tex murphy is back in town
[quote="silvermitt"]Australian horse-racing? See, I never would have put those two words together, from a Midwestern American point of view.

Au contraire Silvermitt. Australia has a proud history of horse racing and many of your own country men and women find Aussie horse racing more exciting than their own brand, particularly as open competitions (ie both males & females competing in the same race) are more common in our neck of the woods. The females beat the males quite often at the highest level.

And here in Melbourne we get a public holiday for the Melbourne Cup - the race that stops a nation, as it is commonly referred to.
And here in Melbourne we get a public holiday for the Melbourne Cup - the race that stops a nation, as it is commonly referred to.[/quote]

I never thought you melbourne guys were fair getting the day off when other states had to work...lol
tex murphy is back in town
Neat info, Annie. These are things I never knew. I hope to hear more from first hand accounts; Makes it more interesting to me. Thanks!
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
Ian Regan wrote:http://www.fark.com/
OK, I'm scared by the site title already. Can I open it with my kids around or should I wait till after their bedtime?
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
If you are interested in etymology (the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history) or neologisms (new words) you can't go past the wonderful WordSpy http://www.wordspy.com/
silvermitt wrote:
Ian Regan wrote:http://www.fark.com/
OK, I'm scared by the site title already. Can I open it with my kids around or should I wait till after their bedtime?
It's an irreverent news aggregator, so you should be fine with the kids around.
Just checking :)

I'm all for adult humor, but I just can't bring myself to explain adult conversations/situations to a 6 yr old boy just yet. To his credit, he doesn't blurt out curse words like he used to do in public places (Discretion was never his middle name).
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.