Big question that no-one's addressed thus far ......

Why wasn't Nilo in the game? I mean, his fate is certainly addressed alright, but my question is, why would AC and CJ ditch such a combative and bad-ass character from the get-go?
They mentioned some of the old actors weren't available for health reasons so that would be my conjecture.
I think he moved away from Utah, and thus unavailable. I do like Clint getting his act together and climbing up in the world. This is what I really like about Tesla Effect, some old, some new. Can I say I really dig Mojo? What a fun character. Besides, it is 7 years later, it might seem a little odd if things hadn't changed a bit in all that time.
Holly Graham, Mojo, and Saffyre all fit on Chandler Avenue so naturally, it's almost like they were there the whole time, just waiting to run into Tex.

I really liked the Knights of the Templar dudes. I wish they could be in the next game, but I can't say I'm surprised that they won't be...
It's just what happens. Scheduling, location/travel, pay rate, health, or they just might not be interested. It's how the world works sometimes. I was pleasantly surprised by the new cast, and was very happy with them.

Todd Bridges actually scared the crap out of me when he was first revealed. Mojo was hilarious, and Saffyre was so over the top it made me laugh my a** off with all the double entendres (i.e.: the "spunk" comment).

The new cast did very well, and held up against the returning veterans. I didn't really think anything about people not returning.

And of course they were just waiting there to run into Tex, that's how leads work in moving the story forward.
We've come for your Daughter, Chuck!
Wished I could have been involved or at least in the know back then.
One Mean, Green-Eyed Fitch.
I think we all kind of know that Nilo was going to wind up in prison, or politics :wink:
I have to bring up Ardo's fate... That was hilarious! I liked the small touch in one of the revamped Chelsee flashbacks where you can see Ardo on the front cover of Time (or some Time lookalike).
Also, it may have been a bit challenging since Nilo became Nellie after a sex change operation. That was sooooo cool.

Yes, I loved the idea of Ardo becoming a senator. "Fire platform", no less.
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
Ardo should hire Inspector Burns as a Fire Marshall 8)
I liked how Archie had to come up with a new name for his business because of the NSA.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
But don't you think Chris & Aaron should sue Archie for copyright infringement?? 8)
Personally, I think one of the coolest characters was the cab driver who took Tex to the North Hill Clinic early on in the game (cough...cough...Jen....cough...cough :) ). She goes down in history as the person who took Tex's gun in UAKM. Although, now that I think about it, Tex referred to the kid as "sonny". I guess he wasn't as an observant detective back then. :)
"Frankie says 'Relax and wear a Hawaiian shirt' ". --Tex Murphy, PI
Not to step on her toes, but Jen addressed this on the BFG forums, saying she was a lot more 'boyish' back in those days, what with her having short hair and whatnot. :wink:
Exactunamdo. ;)

Generic kid with short hair and in tomboy clothes, EASY mistaken. Especially with Tex's old peepers. :mrgreen:

I'll give you a "Sonny" Mr. Man. :lol: