Kickstarter 2nd Anniversary

How cool is it that today 15 May is the second anniversary of the Kickstarter launch and here we all are playing the new game. I love it myself, though I'm only up to day 5, but I'm taking it slowly intentionally.

Anyway I enjoy remembering anniversaries, so here's to the success of Project Fedora and the wonderful Tesla Effect, thanks to us all and Big Finish.
Considering a lot of Kickstarters never go anywhere, I think it's a huge accomplishment and definitely worth noting.
It goes beyond May 15. Just look at the old posts on this board from before Big Finish Games was even created. Not a glimmer of hope. Then BFG appeared, made a few games, got going, and one day, the Kickstarter happened. The excitement of hope and suspense was overwhelming! I'll never forget it. :)

I keep saying it over and over, but Tesla Effect is a dream come true.