Can't find Emily's box in the sewer

Hi everyone,

I have played Pandora Directive many times. I recently downloaded it from GOG. Everything has gone well until now - I'm at the point where Dag Horton has been taken out, I've taken his tracking device from Rusty's roof, and I'm down in the sewers looking for the loose brick, behind which he hid Emily's box.

Here's the problem...I have searched *every* section of the sewer. I've moved my mouse cursor over the brick walls, and I've been particulary meticulous in the section of the sewer where the hints say to look. There is no loose brick. I have completed all the steps necessary to find it. According to the hints, I can't move forward with anything (namely, finding Malloy) until I find her box. I have the chisel, I've done everything I can do...but no loose brick! :? :?:

Sorry for rambling. This is just very strange. I have never encountered this problem before. I used to be able to spot the brick sticking out of the sewer wall without using the tracking device or the cursor, so I don't get what's going on here. I highly doubt this matters, but I'm playing on a Mac.

Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, what's the solution?

Thank you.
Did you turn the tracking device on? The loose brick will not show unless it is. And if you turned it on while on Rusty's roof, it wil turn itself off. You have to turn it on again at ground level or in the sewer.
Hi Matthew,

Yes, I did turn the tracking device on once I got into the sewer. Even with the device turned on, the brick still does not appear. This is so frustrating...
Well, not sure if this will help or not, because I don't really know what could be wrong, but the box is about halfway down the longest stretch of the sewer. The tracking device should be beeping pretty wildly at that point. When it does, try the chisel everywhere you can.

If that doesn't work, hopefully someone else has heard of this problem...

Edit: do you have a saved game right at this point? If so, you could email it to me at poisonedpawn (at) gmail (dot) com along with your player file and I can see if I can get the brick to open. Then I could save and send it back to you.
If all else fails, check out my Pandora Flight utility. You should be able to make yourself aerial to where you can just locate and pick up the box.
Sorry for my delay!

@Matthew - I'm not quite sure how this worked, but I restarted the game at a saved point just before the Dag Horton fight. I made sure to keep the tracking device off until I reached the sewer. For some reason, the brick showed up during this 2nd attempt. If I run into any more trouble, I'll be sure to e-mail you my saved game. Thank you so much for your help.

@ Bjyman - Thank you for your offer, much appreciated. I will check it out. Does the Flight Utility work on Macs, or just PCs?
Weird. Maybe you ran into a rare, random glitch of some kind. I'm glad you managed to get it to work!
That's what I think, too.

Thank you!
As long as the .exe file is compatible I don't see where a PC or Mac will make a difference.