Happy Birthday Bjyman

I hope you had a nice day!
Congratz Bjyman!
I hope your birthday was the happiest of days!
Happy Birthday :)
(Ruri_Ayanami from the old Tex Murphy ezboard).
"I don't believe in intuition, don't know why... just a feeling." - Tex Murphy
lol Bjyman, sorry if you had to post your own birthday. Happy birthday to you :D
tex murphy is back in town
Hahahaha! Sneaky :lol: Did you do it just to see if anyone would notice? :D

Pirates, vampires, zombies, ninjas, ghouls, aliens, goblins, monsters, robots, sorcerers, undead, werewolves, demons, mutated dinosaur-cyborgs and those pesky phone salesmen! The shotgun is a one-size-fits-all solution!
Yeah just practicing my ghosting skills, but failed.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Bjyman! Hope it was a great one
Happy Happy belated Birthday!!!
"When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas." Jean Harlow
Happy belated Birthday!
happy belated birthday!
Thanks guys!
Abit late, but hope u had a great day mate!
Tex Murphy: Australia
Happy Birthday!
Truly yours,
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