Kevin McCarthy

I missed this post from aaron back in 2010 & what a lovely post it was & it does bring tears to my eyes. Has it been 2 years already since kevin passed away.
tex murphy is back in town
I just finished watching the movie Kevin suggested to Aaron, "Big Hand for a Little Lady", and I was charmed and a little wistful. Mr. McCarthy is in his prime, handsome and full of life in this wonderful little sleeper.

I heartily suggest it.
Amazon has it instant view. And do yourself a favor and don't read anything about it. Just jump. :mrgreen:
Just saw it. Dug it :D


Bests, Rockefeller 8)
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do"

"ERROR: Error Code Does Not Indicate An Error"
Doesn't he look studly?? :mrgreen: Total charmer.
Jen wrote:Doesn't he look studly?? :mrgreen: Total charmer.
Very charming, indeed - and so composed! He's the only one I felt bad for ;)

Bests, Rockefeller 8)
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do"

"ERROR: Error Code Does Not Indicate An Error"