Pandora Directive Disk 6 problem

Ok... so I was playing through Pandora Directive and Got the Pandora Device all assembled and headed back to the Office. This is where you are suppose to put in Disk 6. Since I have been running the game with the Disks copied to my computer, there shouldn't be any CD swapping, so when the office finally loaded, there was a game message saying 'Cannot Find I:Data01\C32.AP'.

I looked in the folder and it wasn't there, so I was creative and copied a noter C.AP file and renamed the copy C32.AP just to skip the cinematic. Then it played threw the renamed copy, then said it couldn't find another C.AP file.... So I figure I just Configure the I drive back to the D drive and put the 6th CD in.... Same error message I started out with, 'Cannot Find I:Data01\C32.AP'.

I then noticed that the CD name when my computer read the CD was Pandora3 and not Pandora6 as it should be, so I opened the CD to look at the contents and compared them to the 3rd CD that I already copied to my computer and you know what, it is the exact same files. One on Disk 3 and the same on Disk 6.

So I have a favor to ask you guys here... Is there ANY way one of you can possibly copy Disk 6 of Pandora Directive and send it to me Via or something... it would be much appreciated.

I,m uploading it now but it will take a while. I will send you a link when its finished.
tex murphy is back in town
Thank you much

post back here after you have downloaded so I can delete the file from my storage
tex murphy is back in town
I got it and it works great... Thanks
no worries, enjoy the rest of the game
tex murphy is back in town