Enhanced defenses against potted meat.

In light of the recent spam attacks, I've installed a MOD to the board that adds an extra hoop to jump through to the registration process. With any luck, spambots everywhere will choke and die on this new defense. :)
Way To Go James... As always we can count on you... :D
The Paved Straight Road, Won't Always Get You Farther Than The Winding Dirt Road...

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Kudos to the Master. Thanks, James!
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
Does this mean existing ones will die out too? And spiders?


I can see there are no bots about now. maybe I should re-register as google[bot]
No, I see Yahoo Bot on right now...

But with these new defenses can you delete the Bots existing accounts so they can't get back in???
The Paved Straight Road, Won't Always Get You Farther Than The Winding Dirt Road...

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Actually, those bots you see lurking around (the ones that are actually identified as such under "Who Is Online") are the good ones. They're only allowed a certain level of access, and they're here to spider and index the site for various search engines and directories and the like. So, if you see one of them, pat it on the head and thank it for spreading the word about the UTM to the far corners of the Internet. :)
James LeMosy wrote:Actually, those bots you see lurking around (the ones that are actually identified as such under "Who Is Online") are the good ones. They're only allowed a certain level of access, and they're here to spider and index the site for various search engines and directories and the like. So, if you see one of them, pat it on the head and thank it for spreading the word about the UTM to the far corners of the Internet. :)
hmmmm *scratches chin* hmmmm

Okay we'll let them slide for now... But if they try anything and I mean anything, well you'll have to do something James... :mrgreen:
The Paved Straight Road, Won't Always Get You Farther Than The Winding Dirt Road...

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