Overseer in windows 95 virtual pc?(XP)

I have Windows 95 installed on virtual PC(on xp), so Overseer should work there. Can I use the iso process to eliminate cd swapping there? Or is there a way to convert the cds onto one dvd? Thanks!
Yes, you can use mount all of the iso's to eliminate the cd swapping. Just make sure you change the tex.ini file to reflect the mounted drive letters.

Alternatively, for XP
http://www.unofficialtexmurphy.com/mess ... f=3&t=1576
A sansGUI interface is one that does not have the small features called "Windows". The term comes from the French word sans, meaning "without".

SansGUI's are more typically used in Unix-like Operating Systems. The conventional wisdom is that a GUI (Grapical User Interface) help guide the casual computer user to perform routine tasks with Point and Click simplicity. SansGUI's have acquired considerable acceptance for users accustomed to the CLI (Command Line Interface).