Hello and Thank You

I would like to say hello to everyone! I discovered this website while looking for a patch to get Tex Murphy Overseer running, and to find a better walkthrough. I would also like to thank SansGUI for the tutorial on how to get Tex Murphy Overseer to run on Windows Vista (and XP). Unfortunately the DVD that I made did not work for gameplay, so I am running from the CD's. That is not a problem.

I purchased this game in 1999, but I could not get it to run on my old computer (Gateway 700Mhz Athalon, 384Mb RAM, Windows 98SE). I bought this computer (Dell Inspiron 503 bundle) a couple of years ago to handle my camera software. I have only recently revisited my old video games.

I would like to thank James LeMosy for the walkthrough for Overseer. The walkthrough reads like a short story, and is very entertaining itself! I downloaded all of the pages and re-wrote the navigation to work on my computer. I also condensed all of the images, *.js files, and *.css files into one directory.

I extracted the text from the walkthrough into a Microsoft Word document to use during gameplay. It ran to 75 pages in native Word format. Even with printing on both sides of the paper, it turned out to be quite a hefty volume!

"To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."
William Wordsworth
Well welcome aboard! Glad to have a few new faces around!
welcome noquiexis,

just a quick note, the guide you found to make a dvd for overseer was just to bind all the cd files on to a dvd disk for a hard disk version only. The game does not play from the dvd disk.

If you did the dvd right you just needed to install from the dvd to your hard drive & the cd's are no longer used for the game.
tex murphy is back in town

Thank you for the welcome!

plumgas (Lynne),

Thank you for the welcome!

I may have missed a step in making the DVD from the CD's. Although I did install the game from the newly made DVD, it still asked for the CD after the introductory scenes. Also, there are files on the CD version that are not on the original DVD. I made one DVD from the original DVD and the patch files, but it did not play any video.

I have had this game for twelve years and can only play it now. I am happy with that! I have not even tried to run the game from the original DVD. I may try one of the tweaks later to run from the original DVD, but for now I am just going to enjoy the game!

"To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."
William Wordsworth
If you are interested you can buy copies of all 5 Tex games from GOG to run on your current computer without any discs whatsoever. The website lets you download install bundles for all games and keeps records so you can redownload at any time. They took all the games and bundled them with DOSBox to run on modern computers.

Proceeds go to the Tex Murphy creators.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
I may have missed a step in making the DVD from the CD's. Although I did install the game from the newly made DVD, it still asked for the CD after the introductory scenes. Also, there are files on the CD version that are not on the original DVD. I made one DVD from the original DVD and the patch files, but it did not play any video.

I think you may have missed copying the new tex ini file & copying to the overseer folder on the hard drive. check the ini file & see if under cd map the disks are listed like this.

tex murphy is back in town

Thank you for the tip, but I am on a fixed income (retired), and I have to watch every penny. Also, I would like to keep from loading DOSBox if possible. I have a lot of other programs loaded on this computer now.

plumgas (Lynne),

I did copy the tex.ini file, but then I changed the configuration from within the game interface. I will edit that file, then try the game again. Thank you!

I originally installed the game on this computer on 8 Feb 2011 and finished it yesterday (11 Feb 2011) on the "Entertainment" level. I am an explorer/adventurer in that I like to look around at all the sets that the graphic artists built for these games.

I have been through the Sierra King's Quest series and Gabriel Knight games a few times. After a few days, I will restart Tex Murphy Overseer and look around for things that I missed on the first pass-through.

I also downloaded the Tex Murphy Radio files. Is there any more to the story, or are the developers saving that for a possible future game? Since they are no longer at Access, do they still have rights to the Tex Murphy series? Sorry if this is a sore point, but I am curious.

Thank you!

"To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."
William Wordsworth
Last edited by sam10100 on February 12, 2011 • 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
We do have good news for you.

Yes the creators have the rights to all the Tex Games once again. That's why it's on sale at GOG.com now. They created a new game company called Big Finish Games. So from the ashes of Access Software, this new company has risen.

The Tex Murphy creators made a game for another company called Murder Island, and it is available for sale from Big Fish Games (different from Big Finish). They were contracted by PlayFirst Games.

On the Big Finish Games Facebook website they have a trailer for a new game they made for themselves. This game is called Escape from Thunder Island. They just say it's coming soon and have not given us a date yet.

Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
sam10100 (Samantha),

Thank you for the tip! I did not know where GOG.com got their games, although I assume they got them legally! I did look at Big Finish Games and saw the promo for Three cards to Midnight. It looks cool!

I will have to check out Murder Island. Maybe I can stick a crowbar in my wallet and scrape up some cash! :D I hope Escape from Thunder Island does well, too!

plumgas (Lynne),

I copied tex.ini to my C:\Program Files\Overseer directory, and the game still asked for a CD. I re-copied it and the Overseer.exe patched file, and now it runs from my hard drive! The next time I go through the game, it will save a lot of CD swapping! If I get brave, I might try one of the patches to run the original DVD files for the better movies.

I forgot to mention this in my first post: I cheated once during the game. I bypassed the electrified floor sequence in J. Saint Gideon's gallery. At 60 years of age, I don't like to get too excited about stuff anymore.

By the way, the picture in my avatar is from about 20 years ago, but it is the last studio shot that I had by myself. All of my other pictures are with my two daughters.

"To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears."
William Wordsworth
don't worry about cheating for gideons floor I always do
tex murphy is back in town
Welcome, and your welcome.

Happy Gaming!
A sansGUI interface is one that does not have the small features called "Windows". The term comes from the French word sans, meaning "without".

SansGUI's are more typically used in Unix-like Operating Systems. The conventional wisdom is that a GUI (Grapical User Interface) help guide the casual computer user to perform routine tasks with Point and Click simplicity. SansGUI's have acquired considerable acceptance for users accustomed to the CLI (Command Line Interface).
Welcome aboard the Tex Murphy luxury cruise ship, happy sailing here.
Like said nice to see knew faces in here.
SansGUI wrote:Welcome, and your welcome.

Happy Gaming!
glad to hear from you again SansGui, haven't heard from you for so long.
tex murphy is back in town
WOW! A new member (sorry for the delay) and an old member posting in the same thread! How cool! You are a joy to our community - the both of you!
"If you look to me for illumination, you better have a flashlight!"
noquiexis, you're welcome if for no other reason than that you have a great avatar! We like smiles here. :-)