Is this a sign that I'm getting old
I started bingewatching MASH on Netflix. I swear, 20 years ago I thought Hawkeye was funny, but now I think he's a (*@#$(*#. I'd bash that guy's head in with a bedpan if I had to serve with him.
March 08, 2017 • 7:40 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Weight loss and attractiveness
Congrats on 34 years - we're 20 years behind you :). She made it clear that she does NOT want me fat. I have mixed feelings about that. One on hand, her love for me should be unconditional - what if I get injured or sick, can't work out and put the pounds back on? What then? On the other hand, my wi...
March 04, 2016 • 2:34 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Weight loss and attractiveness
Apologies for the omissions and misunderstandings: I haven't lose 60 pounds *yet* - I'm still working on it. I've "only" lost about 15. The day my wife dumped me I immediately started dieting and working out (even hired a personal trainer), and after a month, she took me back. Coincidence?...
March 04, 2016 • 12:06 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Weight loss and attractiveness
Topic for philosophical discussion. Take a minute to Google Lindita Hamini. She lost 150 pounds as part of her preparation to audition for American Idol. Her "after" pics are smoking, blazing hot. It made me question, would a guy who didn't even notice her when she was fat deserve to get t...
March 03, 2016 • 5:54 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
You're going to think I'm either exaggerating or insane, but a relatively new band has just come out of Japan. No band has changed my life like this since Kiss (yes, i'm that old, but I guess that's not a surprise on a Tex Murphy board haha). They're called Babymetal. If you are a fan of hard rock/h...
May 12, 2015 • 9:16 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
silvermitt: I almost never say no to cyberhugs! 
Chandler: Oh, I certainly try to be handy lol!
Tuco: umm, thanks? (I *think*!

Chandler: Oh, I certainly try to be handy lol!
Tuco: umm, thanks? (I *think*!

November 08, 2014 • 12:22 am
by DalTXColtsFan
I've always sucked at making and keeping friends, which is ironic because my wife is like my polar opposite - she just walks into a room and everybody loves her and other women are insiting on exchanging phone numbers and going out to dinner with her etc. and she always seems to be able to maintain ...
November 07, 2014 • 6:51 am
by DalTXColtsFan
Thanks all, I got distracted after posting that but I'll try people's suggestions and keep everyone in the loop.
August 22, 2014 • 8:48 am
by DalTXColtsFan
Anyone know if there's a way to change the installation folder of a Steam-downloaded game without having to re-download the game? I would like to move both Tesla Effect and also the Age of Mythology extended edition. If I do Backup and Restore will Restore give me the option to restore it to a diffe...
August 18, 2014 • 7:15 am
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Tex Murphy Classic Collection on Steam
Did Gog just place the file issued by BFG too?plumgas wrote:I doubt it, steam only place the file issued by BFG they don't do anything to it.
June 15, 2014 • 6:51 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Tex Murphy Classic Collection on Steam
Is there any chance that the Steam version of Overseer corrected any of the multiple-video-card-on-a-laptop issues that Gog was unable to fully correct?
June 14, 2014 • 8:36 am
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Longtime UTM'ers, here's to us
I stopped playing Zork when they stopped being text-only. I apologize for hijacking the OP's thread, but you're doing yourself a disservice. Return to Zork and Zork Grand Inquisitor are both spectacular games. Ironically, both actually have live actors and FMV. They're more satirical in nature than...
May 30, 2014 • 6:37 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Longtime UTM'ers, here's to us
Not sure what reference you're making DalTXColtsFan, but that phrase goes back to at least Robbie Burns (late 1700's). There's actually more to it as well: What's for you will not go by you Long may your chimney smoke Here's to you. Who's like us? Damn few, and they're all dead! Many a little makes...
May 29, 2014 • 7:17 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Longtime UTM'ers, here's to us
I figured the people who would know where that came from and the people who play Tex Murphy adventures would intersect SOMEWHATdcat151 wrote:DalTXColtsFan wrote:grunch
Who's like us?
Damn few!
And they're all dead!
I haven't heard that in a while.

May 29, 2014 • 1:41 pm
by DalTXColtsFan
Re: Longtime UTM'ers, here's to us
Who's like us?
Damn few!
And they're all dead!
Who's like us?
Damn few!
And they're all dead!
May 28, 2014 • 9:19 pm
by DalTXColtsFan