Mutual, good sir!Mr. Thomas Malloy wrote: ↑January 17, 2024 • 7:13 pm Hey hey, Jerry Dan! Another name from the abyss. Good to see you my friend

January 23, 2024 • 12:20 pm
by Jerry Dan
January 23, 2024 • 12:18 pm
by Jerry Dan
A tip of my fedora to all my old friends. Good memories here!
January 17, 2024 • 6:25 pm
by Jerry Dan
Our illustrious webmaster, James, that is. :-) Great look, James! It was just two or three days ago I was thinking about this site and how a good part of me longs for the good old days before Facebook took over. I'm a sentimental old fool. There's something to be said about a dedicated site like thi...
October 07, 2020 • 9:52 am
by Jerry Dan
Hey gang! Remember me? My ranking: 1) Pandora - I believe it's literally impossible to dethrone this. 2) Under a Killing Moon 3) Hard to decide between Tesla Effect and Overseer, but I think the former edges ahead, at least for now; so far I've played TE only once. It certainly had some claims to gr...
May 11, 2018 • 9:40 pm
by Jerry Dan
Day 8 - on which level can I find the change needed for the Red Bolt vending machine? I began to suspect it was in the pockets of one of the slain in the first room, but now that I'm locked out of it, I certainly hope not.
May 14, 2014 • 9:31 pm
by Jerry Dan
Re: My visit to Big Finish Games!
It was really great to finally meet you in person JD! You me and Cub have a special connection now…especially since you're the only two who've ever witnessed a mug of Hefeweissen actually explode onto my lap…good times :D Bests, Rockefeller 8) Haha... It's funny, I just alluded to that episode in a...
May 13, 2014 • 5:12 pm
by Jerry Dan
Re: Cubase, Living the Ultimate Tex Dream
* salutes from dark candlelit corner-booth, bourbon glass in-hand…it's been a looong couple years dude…to us Cub…the video guys… gulp * * gasps at the sudden cold sensation in his lap as the realization slowly dawns on him that the bottom part of his bourbon glass remains on the coaster, while the ...
May 13, 2014 • 5:04 pm
by Jerry Dan
Re: Cubase, Living the Ultimate Tex Dream
Not to detract from Cub's well-deserved praise, but Rockefeller's contributions are many and inestimable as well. Thanks, guys.
May 12, 2014 • 12:18 pm
by Jerry Dan
Re: I'm undecided on Tesla Effect
I just find it odd you can't drag and drop items onto each other, you have to use a separate combine interface- which kinda doesn't make a lot of sense to have there constantly present. Simply draging and dropping is enough, even UAKM and Pandora allowed for Drag and Drop combining. Just gotta say ...
May 12, 2014 • 7:11 am
by Jerry Dan
Re: Can anyone seriously see this working on a tablet?
Well, the Android release was promised as the second stretch goal, so they've been making design decisions based on that. For instance, the inventory combining action that some have been unhappy with is that way specifically for a touch interface. In the last month I was told by somebody at BFG, &qu...
May 09, 2014 • 12:06 pm
by Jerry Dan
Heh, same here.joliet_jane wrote:"Wow, the city looks great from Coit Tower! I wonder how close I can get to the edge?"
... Oops.
May 09, 2014 • 11:47 am
by Jerry Dan
Same. That's why I'm baffled at the short amount of time it's been taking some people to get really far in the game - I had to comb every square inch of Chandler multiple times! 

May 08, 2014 • 10:03 am
by Jerry Dan
Longtime UTM'ers, here's to us
Friends, I've loved this board for so many years now, and enjoyed so much of the interaction I've had with you. At first it was Tex that brought us together, but we quickly learned to appreciate, like, and even love each another for deeper reasons. Tonight as I played the game, I was surprised to fi...
May 07, 2014 • 10:49 pm
by Jerry Dan
I've been remiss in waiting so long to report back after an unreal opportunity I had to visit BFG during a business trip to SLC. Here's a link to the pictures and a few notes of commentary. I got to play test the first bit o...
May 06, 2014 • 4:56 pm
by Jerry Dan